Carolina Pulled Pork and Cole Slaw

Carolina Pulled Pork and Cole Slaw

mmer time and the living's easy ...

if you aren't worried about what you are going to cook for dinner and aren't making the house hot with the stove and oven on all evening.

But what's a family to do? Grill every evening? I mean that is not a horrible option.  Salads every night?  I'd be OK with that but pretty sure Teddy would revolt.  In walks my crock pot (yet again) to save the day!  15 minutes of prep and dinner is done - BAM - and the kitchen stays cool and you have the rest of the day to work on your playground tan lines :-)

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Becoming Mom

Becoming Mom

You created me as much as I created you - Mother to Child

Becoming a mom is the most powerful, earth-shattering, life changing thing to have ever happened to me.  People will tell you that your life will never be the same, but there is no way to begin to contemplate what is about to happen.

Through all my years of schooling - we are talking a lot of school - I never felt fulfilled.  Law school left me questioning who I was going to be, not knowing.

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You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

Dear Teddy,

Today we celebrate you turning 2.  It seems like it was just yesterday that your father and I saw you for the first time, looked into your eyes, touched your hair, held you, and watched a piece of our hearts living outside of our bodies.  

When I first held you I fell in love with you because you were mine - my child, a sudden embodiment of my heart and soul.  

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Sweet and Sour Chicken and Veggies

Sweet and Sour Chicken and Veggies

Well that summery weather was fun while it lasted, now back to cool, windy, springy days!  Any weather under 75 makes me crave a warm meal and apparently lately that has meant Asian food.  

One night I was craving, and I mean craving Chinese food.  Not the kind that leaves you thirsty and puffy in the morning, I just wanted something good.  So on to the interwebs I went and found some simple ideas for sweet and sour chicken.  


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Rothstein, Party of Three ...

Rothstein, Party of Three ...

Before having a family of my own, it never occurred to me that there are so many questions surrounding families with one child.

As soon as you get engaged people start asking, do you want a family?  When you say I do, the question becomes, when are you going to start a family?

Then as soon as you announce you are pregnant, boom, the questions start again, "How many more kids do you think you'll want?" or "how close in age do you want your children to be?"  Somewhere down the line not only did how and when we start a family become everyone's business, but it became standard practice to assume every couple is going to have multiple children.  

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Basil Curry Coconut Chicken

Basil Curry Coconut Chicken

This week and last has been just what the doctor ordered (never mind the allergies).  Sun and blue skies every day all day, and endless play.  We spent our days outside playing and running and eating picnic lunches.  Teddy was dirty head to toe every day and as happy as could be.  

On days like these, making dinner is the last thing on my mind! Enter this crockpot basil curry coconut chicken.

After a week of beautiful sunny, almost summery days you might be thinking making a crock pot meal is crazy.  It's warm out, the type of weather for grilling and salads.  Aren't crock pots reserved for the fall and winter?  Not if you have the right recipe!

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Mediterranean Chicken Bake

Mediterranean Chicken Bake

Spring is a fickle beast.  Cool in the morning, warm in the afternoon, and cool again in the evening.  Then the next day cool and windy and drizzly. And the next day bright blue skies and almost 70 degrees.  

These cool spring days have me craving healthy veggie filled dinners but also something warm and comforting.  This is the kind of dinner that fills that special category perfectly - especially when the chicken soaks up the flavor from sautéd and roasted artichokes, carrots, onions, sundried tomatoes, and spinach.

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Menu 4/2 -4/8 (aka the week of rain)

Menu 4/2 -4/8 (aka the week of rain)

This week's menu is brought to you by April showers, cool weather, and my need to feel all warm and cozy.  No grilling this week, a lot of soups and crock pot action though!  Yummmm.

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When the Weather Outside is Frightful (or less than ideal)

When the Weather Outside is Frightful (or less than ideal)

April showers might bring May flowers but what about that cold rain you get in March?

Yesterday we had big plans.  Wake up (please dear God not before 5:30AM), eat a well rounded breakfast (probably in front of the TV), and wait for on of Teddy's favorite people to arrive.  Then we were going to hit up a park or two, watch some trains, and have a picnic lunch.  Big things I tell you.

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From Failure to Flavorful ... the story of a salvaged dinner

From Failure to Flavorful ... the story of a salvaged dinner

I pride myself in being organize and prepared, especially when it comes to dinner.  I like to have everything ready for prep and get started cooking as soon as Zach and Teddy go upstairs for Teddy's bath.  So imagine my surprise when I started cooking last night and I didn't have my main ingredient!! Last night could have been awful but thanks to the luck of the Irish (see what I did there ... it was St. Patrick's Day) and a forgotten package of sauce in the cabinet we had a wonderful dinner!

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Cabernet Pot Roast and Veggies

Cabernet Pot Roast and Veggies

Weather like this makes me crave a good hearty warm meal.  But after having been up with the kiddo since 3:30AM I didn't have the energy to do much besides pour a bowl of cereal, let alone cook a big meal.    Luckily this pot roast takes all of 20 minutes to prepare, thanks to Trader Joe's Cabernet Beef Pot Roast.  It's an amazing find that changed my cooking life.  Not joking.

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Running Strollers Review Pt. 2: The How To's of Stroller Running

Running Strollers Review Pt. 2: The How To's of Stroller Running

So you've got your dream running stroller.  You've been cleared to run by your OB or you have decided it is finally time to get back out there, so grab your shoes and go, right?  

Hold on there, before you lace up your shoes there are some how to's and some don'ts to run over (pun intended) before you head out.  Keeping them in mind will make your run even more enjoyable and help you and your little one continue logging those stroller miles.

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