Wishes for You ... A Letter to Teddy on His Third Birthday

Wishes for You ... A Letter to Teddy on His Third Birthday

Three years ago we brought you home. Now you are three years old.  You just seem so big and mature.

You conquered this last year with ease , if not grace, and I have a few wishes for you for this coming one:

I hope you never lose your adventurous spirit… keep on being the most fun kid at the park.

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You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

Dear Teddy,

Today we celebrate you turning 2.  It seems like it was just yesterday that your father and I saw you for the first time, looked into your eyes, touched your hair, held you, and watched a piece of our hearts living outside of our bodies.  

When I first held you I fell in love with you because you were mine - my child, a sudden embodiment of my heart and soul.  

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