Wishes for You ... A Letter to Teddy on His Third Birthday

Wishes for You ... A Letter to Teddy on His Third Birthday

Three years ago we brought you home. Now you are three years old.  You just seem so big and mature.

You conquered this last year with ease , if not grace, and I have a few wishes for you for this coming one:

I hope you never lose your adventurous spirit… keep on being the most fun kid at the park.

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Rothstein, Party of Three ...

Rothstein, Party of Three ...

Before having a family of my own, it never occurred to me that there are so many questions surrounding families with one child.

As soon as you get engaged people start asking, do you want a family?  When you say I do, the question becomes, when are you going to start a family?

Then as soon as you announce you are pregnant, boom, the questions start again, "How many more kids do you think you'll want?" or "how close in age do you want your children to be?"  Somewhere down the line not only did how and when we start a family become everyone's business, but it became standard practice to assume every couple is going to have multiple children.  

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