Italian Pot Roast

Italian Pot Roast

Well that was a lovely 2 week break for fall before we dove straight into winter like weather. Pot roast is a meal that just feels right on wintery days. That being said, American pot roast is often extremely heavy with the gravy and potatoes and is just too more than I need (not that Teddy or Zach care, they will eat pot roast how ever I make it!).

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Baked Fajitas

Baked Fajitas

Fajitas yes, having your house smell like Chili’s for a week, no. Fresh healthy crowd pleasing food, yes, Cooking over a hot stove in the summer, no.

Enter baked fajitas!!  Even though these fajitas aren’t seared in a flaming hot cast iron pan they are still packed with that southwest flavor that will leave you wanting more!  I love that this easily makes a big batch, because we all love these fajitas! 

Enter baked fajitas!!  Even though these fajitas aren’t seared in a flaming hot cast iron pan they are still packed with that southwest flavor that will leave you wanting more!  I love that this easily makes a big batch, because we all love these fajitas! 

Even better, you don't even need mixing bowls for the chicken and veggies, just toss them straight onto the pan.  One less thing to clean - now you are speaking my language. Now go forth and enjoy your summertime!

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Moroccan Chicken Kabobs

Moroccan Chicken Kabobs

To kick off the summer cooking season this weekend Zach and I made grilled Moroccan chicken kabobs.  I know what you are thinking though, kabobs.  Boring, dry, bland, and tired.  Not these.  This blend of spices has a base of paprika with a touch of heat from cayenne (remove if you or your kiddos aren't fans of spice) and then the flair of exotic from the cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and cumin. 

These kabobs are as easy as marinating the chicken in lemon juice, olive oil, and the spice blend  and then grilling!  So since I prepped the chicken earlier in the day, we had nothing to do but cut the veggies that evening and there was no kitchen clean up either!  Just marinade the chicken for the day and then slide them on kabobs (I prefer to skewer the chicken all together) and grill them to perfection.  

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Carolina Pulled Pork and Cole Slaw

Carolina Pulled Pork and Cole Slaw

mmer time and the living's easy ...

if you aren't worried about what you are going to cook for dinner and aren't making the house hot with the stove and oven on all evening.

But what's a family to do? Grill every evening? I mean that is not a horrible option.  Salads every night?  I'd be OK with that but pretty sure Teddy would revolt.  In walks my crock pot (yet again) to save the day!  15 minutes of prep and dinner is done - BAM - and the kitchen stays cool and you have the rest of the day to work on your playground tan lines :-)

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Basil Curry Coconut Chicken

Basil Curry Coconut Chicken

This week and last has been just what the doctor ordered (never mind the allergies).  Sun and blue skies every day all day, and endless play.  We spent our days outside playing and running and eating picnic lunches.  Teddy was dirty head to toe every day and as happy as could be.  

On days like these, making dinner is the last thing on my mind! Enter this crockpot basil curry coconut chicken.

After a week of beautiful sunny, almost summery days you might be thinking making a crock pot meal is crazy.  It's warm out, the type of weather for grilling and salads.  Aren't crock pots reserved for the fall and winter?  Not if you have the right recipe!

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