New Year ... SAME me!

New Year ... SAME me!

I’ve decided I don’t need to go and start changing everything about myself just because we’re entering a new year. In fact the best thing I could do to make this year it’s best is love myself more. Last year was not perfect by any means, and neither am I! BUT I actually like the person that I am, and I am proud of this person I have grown and developed over 37 years, and I don’t have the desire to ‘change’ myself.

So this year I say “New Year, Same Me!”

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Let's Hear It for the Men

Let's Hear It for the Men

On this special day, let’s hear it for the men!

Let's hear it for the men that were there for us when we were little and needed our knees bandaged, daily.  When we wanted to play Candy Lane and Pretty Pretty Princess, daily.  When we were surly teens, talking back and skipping out on curfew. Bandaging our hearts when they got broken for the first time.

Let's hear it for the men who displayed to us what a father should be. 

Let's hear it for the men who were there during those 9 crazy months of pregnancy and all 22 hours of labor.

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You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

Dear Teddy,

Today we celebrate you turning 2.  It seems like it was just yesterday that your father and I saw you for the first time, looked into your eyes, touched your hair, held you, and watched a piece of our hearts living outside of our bodies.  

When I first held you I fell in love with you because you were mine - my child, a sudden embodiment of my heart and soul.  

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