
When we were expecting Teddy people said everything was going to change and we knew everything was going to change.  But now that we have had a child for 2 years we rarely sit back do we think about how much and the all the little things that he has affected.  I mean, when do we have time to sit back?!  

Zach and I are lucky to be able to frequently staycation in the city - without Teddy.  We eat and sleep, run, and wander the city without a schedule (gasp!).  

(A wild night out pre-kids and post-kids.  Can you spot the differences in the pictures above?)

Also, during the week family will watch Teddy so we can get errands run or go on a lunch date.  Last week I spent the afternoon out in Old Town and got my hair done and ran errands in the middle of the day.  That's right I got my hair washed and went into Target in the same afternoon.  Boom!

Every time we are out without him, we get a chuckle out of how much we and our lives have changed.   Here are just some of the things we have noticed Teddy has changed in our lives.

  1. A staycation still means a nice hotel but no longer means staying out late night at a bar or new restaurant.  Dinner at 7, hotel by 9:30.  Take advantage of the quiet.
  2. Sleeping in means 7am, not 10.
  3. You have given up on the "no eating dinner in front of the TV" rule.  Instead you and your spouse eat dinner and watch TV nightly because if you don't do the two together you will either fall asleep on the couch or with your face in your food.
  4. You're hygiene may have taken a hit.  Who needs to shower and wash their hair every day?
  5. It takes weeks to read a whole book because when you sit down to read one, you fall asleep.
  6. You didn't know a single song during the Grammys but you know all the songs on Daniel Tiger.
  7. You didn't watch any of the Oscar nominated movies but you've seen all the episodes of Curious George, and you've seen Secret Life of Pets, and Cars a combined 500 times.
  8. You and your husband don't quote lines from pop culture and famous moves to each other anymore.  You use lines from Disney Pixar and Illumination movies.  BANANA!!!
  9. Deciding what to do on a the weekend is easy.  The same as any other night, eat dinner, watch HGTV, and get to bed by 9:30, because there is no such thing as a weekend to a toddler.
  10. Your favorite places to go on the weekend are not the hottest new brunch spots but the neighborhood parks.  Preferably ones with coffeeshops across the street.
  11. Going to Target alone is THE BEST THING EVER.  And you may not return for 2 hours.  Oh wait.  This is same as before kids.
  12. You get giddy over getting to use the small shopping cart at the grocery store.
  13. Your house is no longer decorated to impress the next person that walks in.  It's decorated practically, with the safety and livelihood of the crazed toddler in mind.
  14. You may not like to spend a lot of money on yourself any more but won't blink at spending a grand on a stroller, or $75 on new summer shoes for your kiddo.
  15. Your spouse has become immensely sexier.  There is something irresistible about seeing the love of your life rolling around on the toy covered floor with your kid, and laughing with pure joy. 
  16. You no longer think about how you would change you life and what you are going to do next, because your life is perfect (crazy and exhausting, but perfect). 

All of these things are funny to think about and I know there are tons more but the biggest change Teddy has made in our life is by making it better.  It is now the best I can ever imagine it being.  I don't mind doing more laundry, giving up the movies, and frequent dinners out, and weekends doing nothing for my destroyed living room filled with laughter, and sounds of "hi! Truck! Car!," and "Uh-oh!," (the sound of silence I do not like as much).

Sometimes change is for the better, and this one definitely is.  I would like to read a book again, but that time will come.  Right, Teddy?  Right? 

 What are some of the ch-ch-changes implemented by your little? Any you will miss as they get older?