Moroccan Chicken Kabobs

Moroccan Chicken Kabobs

To kick off the summer cooking season this weekend Zach and I made grilled Moroccan chicken kabobs.  I know what you are thinking though, kabobs.  Boring, dry, bland, and tired.  Not these.  This blend of spices has a base of paprika with a touch of heat from cayenne (remove if you or your kiddos aren't fans of spice) and then the flair of exotic from the cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and cumin. 

These kabobs are as easy as marinating the chicken in lemon juice, olive oil, and the spice blend  and then grilling!  So since I prepped the chicken earlier in the day, we had nothing to do but cut the veggies that evening and there was no kitchen clean up either!  Just marinade the chicken for the day and then slide them on kabobs (I prefer to skewer the chicken all together) and grill them to perfection.  

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Menu 2/19/2017

Menu 2/19/2017

After a long, relaxing weekend which involved a staycation in Georgetown and eating more in one 24-hour span than we usually do in 48 hours, we have launched into a new week.  The weather forecast for this week is just bizarre, with most of the week in the 60s, more like spring than mid February!

With the weather in mind when making the menu, most of the meals this week are grilled meals for Zach to cook.  I am not a griller, which means at least 60-75% of our spring, summer, and early fall meals are cooked by Zach.  Everything from the meat to the veggies.  It's a wonderful thing to have a husband who likes to cook!  

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