The F*ing Fours

We made it through another trip around the sun.  Teddy is “this many” [shows four fingers]. Teddy had an awesome year being 3, he rocked it, really. Now I am holding on for dear life and hoping that we make it through this year in one piece.

Yep … that’s the face

Yep … that’s the face

I was told to watch out for the Terrible Twos and when Teddy hit three I heard “ahhh, he’s a Three-nager now.”  But none of that hit our house.  I walked through the world smug and smiling with my joyful and sweet little boy, thinking, “Not my kid.”  Never once did he run away from me in public or throw a tantrum in a store.

No one told me about age four. No one warned me my kid was going to become a possessed manic. I knew he would stop napping eventually, but become an exhausted sleep monster? I knew he would be smarter, but a manipulative genius? I knew he would get older and change but who is this person in my house?

We have hit the Fucking Fours. I”m here to give you fair warning that they exist.

It happened all at once.  One day he was a cute, toddling, little cherub and the next he was a lanky, leggy, fast and loud, maniac.  I was convinced I needed to consult a therapist for this sudden change in behavior.

In desperation, I asked my trusted group of friends what the heck was going on, was my kid going phsycho or was this some developmental phase I wasn’t prepared for. 

My friends told me that yes indeed 4 year olds suck (phew, my kid wasn’t turning into a Lifetime Movie headliner) and this phase is actually called the Fucking Fours. The **what?!** you say.

The Fucking Fours … because they are fucking loud, fucking annoying, fucking scream-y and fucking tantrum-y and it’s fucking exhausting.

My mind knows that this is a really hard age for kids, they are not (for the most part) trying to be jack-asses.  It’s an in-between age, between baby/toddlerhood and real childhood.  Full of BIG emotions and ideas but not quite ready to handle them yet.  Life is starting to become real and scary.  It’s the age of no more naps but damn he needs a nap.  Now he he tired and cranky by 4pm and wired again by 5pm but so ready for bed it isn’t funny. 

I want to scoop him up and cuddle him and make it all better when he is crying so hard that he says “I can’t stop the tears” but he won’t let me, he needs to figure it out on his own terms.  It does makes it that much sweeter when he is ready for a snuggle and a kiss though. 

He may not always be in the mood to hold hands, he might be running away at break neck speed, but he still always replies to my I love you with “I love you all the way around.”

The fucking fours are master manipulators.  They are aware of what you are doing and how to work around you.  Maybe it’s a stand off, maybe it’s a tantrum, maybe it’s tears.  Something will work today for them to get their way.  At least it often does in my house.  Is today going to be the day that mom just doesn’t want to deal with any tears/screaming/mess and gives in to that cookie before breakfast?  Probably.

The Fucking Fours are sometimes so fucking cute

The Fucking Fours are sometimes so fucking cute

Fucking Fours like to press boundaries with all things making bed time super enjoyable.  The once loved bath is touch and go.  Getting ready for bed is a delicate matter hinging on whether you set out the right pajamas and have prepared the correct books.  No?  Well then back to square one, after he’s calmed down.  But as he gets sleepier, he gets more cuddly and wants to read more (ONE MORE BOOK JUST ONE MORE!!!) and you lay in bed and sing songs like you did just a few months ago.

You tuck that long lanky kid into that big boy bed and the Fucking Fours slide away and he’s just your sweet little boy. 

Until 1:47am when he screams your name and demands you sleep in his bed …


CES 2019: The Gadgets You Should Get Excited About (and the One We Can't Wait For)

CES 2019: The Gadgets You Should Get Excited About (and the One We Can't Wait For)

CES, the holy grail of all things gadgety and new. Whether you are in the market for a a TV that rolls up and hides away, amachines fold your clothes for you, a smart hair dryer, or a helicopters that is going to partner with Uber, there was something for everyone at CES 2019 😮

I narrowed down my favorites to the top dozen or so items that you should check out in 3 categories Health and Fitness, Baby & Kids, and Lifestyle. Read on and see what you need

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My Journey Back to Me: My Struggle with Postpartum Anxiety

My Journey Back to Me: My Struggle with Postpartum Anxiety

As a new mom you are told everything will be soft baby smells and cuddles, night time feeds and daytime naps, weird poops and lots of burps, not much sleep but a lot of smiles.  You are not often told about the sneaking feelings of doubt and dread, or the suffocating sense of being overwhelmed and the inescapable feeling of inadequacy that may join you.

Teddy was so deliciously adorable. I did want to eat him up, just like everyone said I would.  I just couldn’t understand why he made me feel so out of place.

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You've Got This Mama!

You've Got This Mama!

I ran into a friend the other day and we started talking about how we view ourselves as moms.  She said she didn't feel like she was a great mom because she was short with her kids, unable to deal with the whining and arguing, and felt like she yelled and pushed back too much.  

The first thing I thought was, **I feel that way, too.  We all do.  **

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The More Things Change

The More Things Change

A year has passed since I have started this blog and started documenting our lives and my musings.  A year with a child can seem like an eternity, the days creeping by so slowly, then BAM, you look back and the 365 days have flow by in the blink of an eye.  Things are ever changing with kids, their needs and wants and favorite colors. And just as you are focused on how much things have changed, you can be surprised by how much they stay the same.  Time is a strange beast and nothing shows you the power of it more than kids. 

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Boys Will Be Good Humans

Boys Will Be Good Humans

In this day and age where actors and politicians and media figures, men whom our sons would once have looked up to, are falling from grace for harassing and disrespecting women it is oh so important to teach our sons the strength of positive social behavior.  Being a parent to a boy is a huge responsibility, it is our job to make sure our sons grow up to strong, kind, respectful, empathetic people and break this cycle of bad behavior.

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Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday

Who doesn't love tacos?

Ok now that we have that out of the way, can I admit that I hate cleaning up after making tacos or even taco salad?  There are just so many things that go into them, there are so many pots and pans and bowls.  It's probably my least favorite meal.

Well my friend D came to the rescue the other day with a taco recipe that is no muss-no fuss and I think better than the original! Baked Tacos.

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Late, Again

To be on time is to be 5 minutes early.  That is how I rolled before Teddy.  I was early to class.  I was early to work, I was early to lunch dates with friends.  

Then I had Teddy, he was 9 days late.  Ever since then I have struggled to regularly be on time.

Now I am that friend, the one that is always late or at least seemingly so.  The one that comes zooming in breathlessly begging for forgiveness, again.

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It Takes A Village

It Takes A Village

To the dad who fist bumped me as we passed each other stroller running, each with a sleeping kiddo, thank you ...

To my running "tribe", who answers all sorts of questions, at all hours of the day and night, and is always there for a good laugh, too, thank you ...

To my best friend of 30 years, whose son was born within days of Teddy, who I cried on the phone to those first few weeks (I don't even remember what it was about, but I know I needed it), thank you ...

To the friend who lets us barge into her house, good day or bad, thank you ...

To Teddy's favorite people at Trader Joes, who play with him while I grocery shop, thank you ...

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Becoming Mom

Becoming Mom

You created me as much as I created you - Mother to Child

Becoming a mom is the most powerful, earth-shattering, life changing thing to have ever happened to me.  People will tell you that your life will never be the same, but there is no way to begin to contemplate what is about to happen.

Through all my years of schooling - we are talking a lot of school - I never felt fulfilled.  Law school left me questioning who I was going to be, not knowing.

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You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

Dear Teddy,

Today we celebrate you turning 2.  It seems like it was just yesterday that your father and I saw you for the first time, looked into your eyes, touched your hair, held you, and watched a piece of our hearts living outside of our bodies.  

When I first held you I fell in love with you because you were mine - my child, a sudden embodiment of my heart and soul.  

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The Could Have Done List

The Could Have Done List

I like to think that I am pretty productive during the day given that I have close to zero minutes to myself and spend most of my time hanging out with/chasing down the Tiny Dictator, I mean Teddy.  We go grocery shopping, run errands, hit up every park in town, go for runs, have play dates, I cook dinner (not every night, Zach cooks a lot - praise Jesus).  But there are plenty of days where the day gets away from me and by lunch/Teddy's nap time I throw in the towel.  

The moral of this story ... don't think you have to do it all.  Sometimes doing nothing is the best decision.  

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