From Failure to Flavorful ... the story of a salvaged dinner

From Failure to Flavorful ... the story of a salvaged dinner

I pride myself in being organize and prepared, especially when it comes to dinner.  I like to have everything ready for prep and get started cooking as soon as Zach and Teddy go upstairs for Teddy's bath.  So imagine my surprise when I started cooking last night and I didn't have my main ingredient!! Last night could have been awful but thanks to the luck of the Irish (see what I did there ... it was St. Patrick's Day) and a forgotten package of sauce in the cabinet we had a wonderful dinner!

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Broccoli Slaw Stir Fry

Broccoli Slaw Stir Fry

So this dinner is one of Zach's favorites.  If he could have it on the menu multiple times a week he would.  And honestly, it is so easy to make I probably wouldn't object except for the fact that there are so many things that I like to cook and eat!  

When I say this meal is an easy meal to make I am not making light of anything.  When I made it last week I started at 7:05 and we were putting it into our bowls at 7:30.  That is under 30 minutes for a fresh, hot, home cooked dinner.  Pretty rockstar if you ask me.

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