Ring in the New Year with Overnight French Toast Casserole

Ring in the New Year with Overnight French Toast Casserole

This is a dish that our family makes for every big family gathering that included a morning, from New Years Day to Easter to Christmas morning and even had for one of my homecoming (or prom?) morning brunches!

I now understand why it was present every big family morning. This is the easiest dish to whip up. You make it the night before, stick it in the fridge then pop it in the oven right as you are getting ready the next morning. Let people think you spent hours cooking, but let yourself enjoy the special day.

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Italian Pot Roast

Italian Pot Roast

Well that was a lovely 2 week break for fall before we dove straight into winter like weather. Pot roast is a meal that just feels right on wintery days. That being said, American pot roast is often extremely heavy with the gravy and potatoes and is just too more than I need (not that Teddy or Zach care, they will eat pot roast how ever I make it!).

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Bring on the Pumpkin

Bring on the Pumpkin

Pumpkin is the fall’s version of shrimp in Forest Gump. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin soup, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin … chili! While I’m not a fan of the PSL crazy I can totally get behind the rest.

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Chinese Cashew Chicken

Chinese Cashew Chicken

Let’s talk every one’s favorite comfort food (next to mac’n cheese and ice cream) - Chinese food. Being gluten free makes eating Chinese food hard, the brown sauces usually contain soy sauce, and many restaurants don’t have gluten free soy sauce to sub out on the spot. Totally understandable. But I still crave it. What to do, what to do?

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Nanny's Peach Grunt Cake

Nanny's Peach Grunt Cake

Fresh fruit from the farmers market gets me so excited.  To me peaches and apples might be my very favorite. signal a very special time of year.  Just like watermelon signals summer, and crisp apple says fall, peaches stand for the middle ground between the two.

Apples I buy in droves every weekend. When I find perfect peaches at the market I tend to buy a lot and make big plans for them.  Usually these plans involve desert.

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Baked Fajitas

Baked Fajitas

Fajitas yes, having your house smell like Chili’s for a week, no. Fresh healthy crowd pleasing food, yes, Cooking over a hot stove in the summer, no.

Enter baked fajitas!!  Even though these fajitas aren’t seared in a flaming hot cast iron pan they are still packed with that southwest flavor that will leave you wanting more!  I love that this easily makes a big batch, because we all love these fajitas! 

Enter baked fajitas!!  Even though these fajitas aren’t seared in a flaming hot cast iron pan they are still packed with that southwest flavor that will leave you wanting more!  I love that this easily makes a big batch, because we all love these fajitas! 

Even better, you don't even need mixing bowls for the chicken and veggies, just toss them straight onto the pan.  One less thing to clean - now you are speaking my language. Now go forth and enjoy your summertime!

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Coconut Curry Cashew Crockpot Chicken

Coconut Curry Cashew Crockpot Chicken

A fragrant sauce of coconut and curry mixed with sweet red peppers, tender cooked potatoes, and crunchy cashews, with chicken or chickpeas, made right in your crockpot! A dish fit for a dinner party or an easy weekday night in.  So so easy and incredibly delicious!  

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From Failure to Flavorful ... the story of a salvaged dinner

From Failure to Flavorful ... the story of a salvaged dinner

I pride myself in being organize and prepared, especially when it comes to dinner.  I like to have everything ready for prep and get started cooking as soon as Zach and Teddy go upstairs for Teddy's bath.  So imagine my surprise when I started cooking last night and I didn't have my main ingredient!! Last night could have been awful but thanks to the luck of the Irish (see what I did there ... it was St. Patrick's Day) and a forgotten package of sauce in the cabinet we had a wonderful dinner!

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Broccoli Slaw Stir Fry

Broccoli Slaw Stir Fry

So this dinner is one of Zach's favorites.  If he could have it on the menu multiple times a week he would.  And honestly, it is so easy to make I probably wouldn't object except for the fact that there are so many things that I like to cook and eat!  

When I say this meal is an easy meal to make I am not making light of anything.  When I made it last week I started at 7:05 and we were putting it into our bowls at 7:30.  That is under 30 minutes for a fresh, hot, home cooked dinner.  Pretty rockstar if you ask me.

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Slow Cooker Chicken Tagine with Preserved Lemons, Olives, and Raisins

Slow Cooker Chicken Tagine with Preserved Lemons, Olives, and Raisins

Chicken tagine is one of our family's favorite dishes.  The cumin, cinnamon, turmeric and cayenne, ginger and garlic fill the house with a spicy warmth as the Chicken, raisins, olives, carrots, and onions slowly stew together.  It is such an easy meal and adds a nice balance to our regular menu of Asian, Mediterranean, and American fare. 

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