I Heart Teddy

I Heart Teddy

Four years ago, July 27 to be exact, Teddy had life saving open heart surgery at Children's National Medical Center.  (You can read the story about his condition and surgery here ). 

Three years ago this week he started walking. 

Two years ago this summer Teddy was running around at his first beach trip. 

This summer Teddy started swimming and jumping off the side of the pool and became a LEGO master.

This year Teddy will start his final year of preschool.

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CES 2019: The Gadgets You Should Get Excited About (and the One We Can't Wait For)

CES 2019: The Gadgets You Should Get Excited About (and the One We Can't Wait For)

CES, the holy grail of all things gadgety and new. Whether you are in the market for a a TV that rolls up and hides away, amachines fold your clothes for you, a smart hair dryer, or a helicopters that is going to partner with Uber, there was something for everyone at CES 2019 😮

I narrowed down my favorites to the top dozen or so items that you should check out in 3 categories Health and Fitness, Baby & Kids, and Lifestyle. Read on and see what you need

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Running Strollers Review Pt. 2: The How To's of Stroller Running

Running Strollers Review Pt. 2: The How To's of Stroller Running

So you've got your dream running stroller.  You've been cleared to run by your OB or you have decided it is finally time to get back out there, so grab your shoes and go, right?  

Hold on there, before you lace up your shoes there are some how to's and some don'ts to run over (pun intended) before you head out.  Keeping them in mind will make your run even more enjoyable and help you and your little one continue logging those stroller miles.

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