Let's Hear It for the Men

Let's Hear It for the Men

On this special day, let’s hear it for the men!

Let's hear it for the men that were there for us when we were little and needed our knees bandaged, daily.  When we wanted to play Candy Lane and Pretty Pretty Princess, daily.  When we were surly teens, talking back and skipping out on curfew. Bandaging our hearts when they got broken for the first time.

Let's hear it for the men who displayed to us what a father should be. 

Let's hear it for the men who were there during those 9 crazy months of pregnancy and all 22 hours of labor.

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Wishes for You ... A Letter to Teddy on His Third Birthday

Wishes for You ... A Letter to Teddy on His Third Birthday

Three years ago we brought you home. Now you are three years old.  You just seem so big and mature.

You conquered this last year with ease , if not grace, and I have a few wishes for you for this coming one:

I hope you never lose your adventurous spirit… keep on being the most fun kid at the park.

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The More Things Change

The More Things Change

A year has passed since I have started this blog and started documenting our lives and my musings.  A year with a child can seem like an eternity, the days creeping by so slowly, then BAM, you look back and the 365 days have flow by in the blink of an eye.  Things are ever changing with kids, their needs and wants and favorite colors. And just as you are focused on how much things have changed, you can be surprised by how much they stay the same.  Time is a strange beast and nothing shows you the power of it more than kids. 

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The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Nightmare Before Christmas

'Twas four nights before Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even Rudy and his mouse.
The decorated tree gave off a warm glow,
adorned with ornaments from long ago. [really there are no ornaments on the tree, Teddy took them all off]

Teddy in his crib drifting asleep slowly,
Snuggled and dreaming of RoboCar Poli.
I in my new Lulu joggers and Papa in a charcoal mask,
we had just settled in for a long winters nap. (i.e. we were in bed reading and falling asleep at 9pm)

[at 12:09am]
When out of the monitor arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter!
Up! Up! - the stairs I went like a SWAT team.
All while my husband continued to dream.

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Boys Will Be Good Humans

Boys Will Be Good Humans

In this day and age where actors and politicians and media figures, men whom our sons would once have looked up to, are falling from grace for harassing and disrespecting women it is oh so important to teach our sons the strength of positive social behavior.  Being a parent to a boy is a huge responsibility, it is our job to make sure our sons grow up to strong, kind, respectful, empathetic people and break this cycle of bad behavior.

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Shiny and New

Shiny and New

So it's been pretty quiet on the blog this summer.  With summer activities, days spend playing with friends and family, and Teddy running and talking to everyone who will listen, it's been quiet busy.  Oh, that and Zach and I made a totally normal summer decision ... let's renovate ALL the bathrooms in the house.  

I've been at Home Depot and on Pinterest every hour that I wasn't with Teddy (ok, ok, and some that I was).  Teddy has become quite accustomed to running around HD and sitting still in tile stores.  I've been shopping, designing, buying, returning, and working with a contractor all summer long.

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I Heart Teddy

I Heart Teddy


Fun for a Purpose - The Race for Every Child
October 21, 2017 @ 8am
Freedom Plaza
Join us! Team I Heart Teddy (PS - free team t-shirts!)


Two years ago yesterday, Teddy had life saving open heart surgery at Children's National Medical Center. (You can read the story about his condition and surgery here ).

We owe our happiness to the team at Children's and we do whatever we can to support the hospital.  Zach and I find it especially important in this day and age, when the future of healthcare is in flux that we do what we can to support the hospitals and staff that do the amazing work of saving our little ones.  As well as do what we can to support the families going through the hardest times of having a sick child.

When we were thinking of ways to give back we were thrilled to find out about the Race for Every Child 5K.  Not only is it an awesome and fun event but it fits right into our family's active lifestyle.  Those of you that know us know that we are a running, biking, swimming, active threesome, so a 5K to support our most precious cause is perfect.

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Late, Again

To be on time is to be 5 minutes early.  That is how I rolled before Teddy.  I was early to class.  I was early to work, I was early to lunch dates with friends.  

Then I had Teddy, he was 9 days late.  Ever since then I have struggled to regularly be on time.

Now I am that friend, the one that is always late or at least seemingly so.  The one that comes zooming in breathlessly begging for forgiveness, again.

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It Takes A Village

It Takes A Village

To the dad who fist bumped me as we passed each other stroller running, each with a sleeping kiddo, thank you ...

To my running "tribe", who answers all sorts of questions, at all hours of the day and night, and is always there for a good laugh, too, thank you ...

To my best friend of 30 years, whose son was born within days of Teddy, who I cried on the phone to those first few weeks (I don't even remember what it was about, but I know I needed it), thank you ...

To the friend who lets us barge into her house, good day or bad, thank you ...

To Teddy's favorite people at Trader Joes, who play with him while I grocery shop, thank you ...

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Becoming Mom

Becoming Mom

You created me as much as I created you - Mother to Child

Becoming a mom is the most powerful, earth-shattering, life changing thing to have ever happened to me.  People will tell you that your life will never be the same, but there is no way to begin to contemplate what is about to happen.

Through all my years of schooling - we are talking a lot of school - I never felt fulfilled.  Law school left me questioning who I was going to be, not knowing.

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You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

You are 2 and Cool ... A Letter to My Son on His Birthday

Dear Teddy,

Today we celebrate you turning 2.  It seems like it was just yesterday that your father and I saw you for the first time, looked into your eyes, touched your hair, held you, and watched a piece of our hearts living outside of our bodies.  

When I first held you I fell in love with you because you were mine - my child, a sudden embodiment of my heart and soul.  

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Rothstein, Party of Three ...

Rothstein, Party of Three ...

Before having a family of my own, it never occurred to me that there are so many questions surrounding families with one child.

As soon as you get engaged people start asking, do you want a family?  When you say I do, the question becomes, when are you going to start a family?

Then as soon as you announce you are pregnant, boom, the questions start again, "How many more kids do you think you'll want?" or "how close in age do you want your children to be?"  Somewhere down the line not only did how and when we start a family become everyone's business, but it became standard practice to assume every couple is going to have multiple children.  

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When the Weather Outside is Frightful (or less than ideal)

When the Weather Outside is Frightful (or less than ideal)

April showers might bring May flowers but what about that cold rain you get in March?

Yesterday we had big plans.  Wake up (please dear God not before 5:30AM), eat a well rounded breakfast (probably in front of the TV), and wait for on of Teddy's favorite people to arrive.  Then we were going to hit up a park or two, watch some trains, and have a picnic lunch.  Big things I tell you.

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