I Heart Teddy


Fun for a Purpose - The Race for Every Child
October 21, 2017 @ 8am
Freedom Plaza
Join us! Team I Heart Teddy (PS - free team t-shirts!)


Two years ago yesterday, Teddy had life saving open heart surgery at Children's National Medical Center. (You can read the story about his condition and surgery here )

Teddy, a week after surgery, close to being discharged.

Teddy, a week after surgery, close to being discharged.

We owe our happiness to the team at Children's and we do whatever we can to support the hospital.  Zach and I find it especially important in this day and age, when the future of healthcare is in flux that we do what we can to support the hospitals and staff that do the amazing work of saving our little ones.  We also feel it is important for us to do what we can to support other families going through the hardest times of having a sick child.

When we were thinking of ways to give back we were thrilled to find out about the Race for Every Child 5K.  Not only is it an awesome and fun event but it fits right into our family's active lifestyle.  Those of you that know us know that we are a running, biking, swimming, out-doorsy (not camping - gross bugs!), active threesome, so a 5K to support our most precious cause is perfect.


Every fall the Children's Hospital Foundation puts on The Race for Every Child a fun family friendly 5K event in downtown DC with funds going to support Children's National Health System and it's patients.

This race has special meaning to us because it reminds us just how lucky we are to have a now healthy and energetic two year old and how lucky we are to be able to give back.   We would love for our friends and family to come and join us in celebrating Teddy's health and supporting this hospital system and it's future patients.  

The Race for Every Child 2016 (notice the sweet shirts!)

The Race for Every Child 2016 (notice the sweet shirts!)

You can come and run or walk, race or jog with your stroller or chase your kid along the course.  Even better, just let your kiddos play in the bounce house and get their face painted (and get nice and tired for nap time, winning!).  It's a wonderful day for the family.

Oh and did I mention you get a free shirt?

We have started a team for friends and family and anyone else who loves Teddy, too - Team I Heart Teddy (click on the link and you will be directed to the sign up page).  Anyone that joins our team will not only get the race t-shirt, but will also get a team I Heart Teddy t-shirt (blue this year).  This goes for your kiddos, too!  I Heart Teddy onesies - squeeeeeee! You get a shirt, you get a shirt, you get a shirt!!

Oh and don't feel like you have to run or even walk the 5k.  Donate a small amount of money and if you plan on spending the morning with us YOU get a shirt, too! Just because we run a ton doesn't mean you have to!

You live far away and you want to take part?  No problem, you can do a virtual Race for Every Child and we'll send you your packet.  We've got your covered, friends.

Last year I remember watching Teddy run around with Zach's friends from high school and thinking how lucky we are to have a healthy kid surrounded by so many people that care about him.  I can wait to step back and take it all in this year, too.

As a side note, for those that are interested, I have been training for a sub-20 minute 5K and this will be my race.  If you care to see me run the fastest I ever have and then collapse at the finish line, this is your chance.  #BAMR #Tiredmotherrunner #runningafterteddy

Oh, and Teddy says thank you.