The Could Have Done List

I like to think that I am pretty productive during the day given that I have close to zero minutes to myself and spend most of my time hanging out with/chasing down the Tiny Dictator, I mean Teddy.  We go grocery shopping, run errands, hit up every park in town, go for runs, have play dates, I cook dinner (not every night, Zach cooks a lot - praise Jesus).  But there are plenty of days where the day gets away from me and by lunch/Teddy's nap time I throw in the towel.  

The moral of this story ... don't think you have to do it all.  Sometimes doing nothing is the best decision.  

 The scene: 12:30pm on a random Tuesday. Teddy is asleep in his room.  The dogs are snoring in the basement.  The house is silent and looks like a tornado ripped through a trailer park.  I'm pooped.

There is a list of things that I could get done and while I have some time alone is the perfect time.  Here's a sampling of what I have to get done:

  1. Clean the kitchen (not just the dishes from breakfast and lunch, but actually clean the dishes)
  2. Fold the 3 loads of laundry that I ran yesterday
  3. Put away above mentioned laundry
  4. Prep dinner for today
  5. Shower AND shave ... let's not discuss the days since my hair has had a proper wash
  6. Had a full and complete lunch.  Not apple and peanut butter, a real lunch, with vegetables, protein, and a carb.  A PickyBar does not count either.  
  7. Read the Sunday newspaper.  Yes, I am aware it is Wednesday.  I am fully aware.  
  8. Do some good deep stretching yoga and a nice meditation session.

Despite that list making complete and total sense, instead I chose to do the following:

  1. Reorganize the Lazy Susan.  Things feel so tidier now, don't mind the dishes in the sink, I can find the bag of chips so much faster.
  2.  10 minutes plucking my eye brows and painting my toenails.  I felt so fabulous after that session - ta-da!
  3. I changed into something from the laundry basket - one less thing to fold.  Efficiency at it's finest.  
  4. I organized my workout shoes and hats.
  5. I collapse onto the couch and watched Wendy Williams, and HGTV while scrolling Facebook on my phone.  I remember nothing of what was on TV or what I saw on Facebook.  I may have fallen asleep but I don't think so because the dog was snoring so loudly.
  6. I ate apples and peanut butter for lunch because it is so darn good and I could find the peanut butter so much faster in my newly organized Lazy Susan!

When Teddy wakes up and I realize that nothing got done today I'll be ok with that.  Maybe it's the chocolate chips talking (oh, did I not mention those) or maybe it's that I'm so rested (all-be-it a few brain cells less thanks to Facebook and daytime TV) and recharged.  He won't notice the mess (it's really not THAT bad), or that I didn't shower (ok that is bad), and I'll fold the laundry tomorrow.  Maybe. We'll see how tomorrow goes.