Taco Tuesday


Who doesn't love tacos?

Ok now that we have that out of the way, can I admit that I hate cleaning up after making tacos or even taco salad?  There are just so many things that go into them, there are so many pots and pans and bowls.  It's probably my least favorite meal.

Well my friend D came to the rescue the other day with a taco recipe that is no muss-no fuss and I think better than the original! Baked Tacos.

The key to these tacos is (1) you can [and in my opinion should] make the meat ahead of time (2) you combine some of the main ingredients so you really cut the dishes!

I made the taco meat the morning before hand, after I prepped chili, so I already had the pans and spices out.  Two birds - one stone.  I then refrigerated the meat until the next night when we were ready to use it and it was perfect.

So now I get to have my tacos and enjoy them, too!

So if you are like me and enjoy meals more when there is less to clean, maybe this is an answer to save your Taco Tuesdays :-)


14 Tacos / 20-30 minutes


  • 1 lb ground turkey meat
  • 1/2 white onion
  • taco season packet
  • 1 can refried beans
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • hard taco shells
  • romain or iceberg lettuce
  • Your favorite taco toppings
  • 9x13 Pyrex


  1. Brown ground beef and drain.
  2. Add taco seasoning, refried beans and diced tomatoes.
  3. Heat until blended.
  4. remove, cool, and refridgerate overnight or freeze until read to use
    When ready to use (drefrost if frozen)
  5. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  6. Stack taco shells side by side in pan and spoon taco filling into taco shells and .
  7. When shells are filled, top each with shredded cheese - if using cheese.
  8. Bake for approximately 15 minutes, watching so they do not brown too much.
  9. Top with remaining ingredients, if desired.
  10. Enjoy tacos without having to clean every pot and pan you own!!