Day 5 … how are you?

Day 5 … how are you?

Things are weird right now, am I right? Global pandemic - it feels like I woke up in the middle of a Dan Brown book. “Social distancing” is a thing now. That is, except for me and my 4.5 year old. We are together all the time. It’s only day 5 and I’m feeling it.

I have a history of anxiety and now have a decent grasp on how to keep my mental health in check. These are bound to be trying times for everyone and even if you don’t have a history on mental health issues, don’t be surprised if you start to feel off kilter.

Below is a list of things you can do to keep yourself healthy during this absolutely bonkers time. Starting with showering, and putting on deodorant. Promise, it makes a difference :-)

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My Journey Back to Me: My Struggle with Postpartum Anxiety

My Journey Back to Me: My Struggle with Postpartum Anxiety

As a new mom you are told everything will be soft baby smells and cuddles, night time feeds and daytime naps, weird poops and lots of burps, not much sleep but a lot of smiles.  You are not often told about the sneaking feelings of doubt and dread, or the suffocating sense of being overwhelmed and the inescapable feeling of inadequacy that may join you.

Teddy was so deliciously adorable. I did want to eat him up, just like everyone said I would.  I just couldn’t understand why he made me feel so out of place.

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