Nanny's Peach Grunt Cake

**One year for Christmas my Nanny gave us all a cookbook of her favorite recipes.  The first page says "I don't measure, I don't use salt, and I cook everything at 350F."  Turns out this is the best way to cook :-)**

Fresh fruit from the farmers market gets me so excited.  To me peaches and apples might be my very favorite. signal a very special time of year.  Just like watermelon signals summer, and crisp apple says fall, peaches stand for the middle ground between the two.

Apples I buy in droves every weekend. When I find perfect peaches at the market I tend to buy a lot and make big plans for them.  Usually these plans involve desert.

One of my favorite desserts is my Nanny's recipe (my grandmother) for apple crisp, also known as apple grunt cake.  Name so because it is said that whenever someone eats it all they can do is grunt, it is that good.

It's an easy recipe, only a few ingredients and pop it in the oven.   

I'll let you be the judge of how good it is though, just listen to everyone eat.


  • Enough ripe peaches to fill a 9x13 pan (10-15 peaches depending on size)

  • 3/4 C flour (I use Trader Joes Gluten Free)

  • 3/4 C Brown Sugar

  • 1/2 C Cold Butter

  • 1 1/2 C quick cooking oats (I have used a mix of rolled and steel cut before and it's just as good)

  • Cinnamon if desired


  1. Preheat oven to 350F

  2. Peal and cut all the peaches or apples into slices and put in 9x13 pan

  3. Mix flour, brown sugar, and cold butter together until all crumbly

  4. Add in oats

  5. Pour evenly over fruit

  6. Cook for 30 minutes (maybe more) until top is golden and inside is bubbling.

  7. Cool for a few minutes and serve with ice cream.

  8. Listen to people enjoy the fruits of your labor (see what I did there, hehe).