Nanny's Peach Grunt Cake

Nanny's Peach Grunt Cake

Fresh fruit from the farmers market gets me so excited.  To me peaches and apples might be my very favorite. signal a very special time of year.  Just like watermelon signals summer, and crisp apple says fall, peaches stand for the middle ground between the two.

Apples I buy in droves every weekend. When I find perfect peaches at the market I tend to buy a lot and make big plans for them.  Usually these plans involve desert.

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How Sweet It Is

How Sweet It Is

If you were to only know me through reading my blog and recipes you may think that I only cook and eat healthy veggie packed meals.  


I love to bake desserts - I've never met a cookie, or cake, or muffin that I haven't wanted to bake. 

Some people love to bake from scratch with a toddler and kuddos to you my friends!  Not me.  But I do still like to bake (and even bake with Teddy).  What a conundrum you say!  

Well, I'm going to share my baking secret with you.  Shhhhhhhh!

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