Running Strollers Review Pt. 2: The How To's of Stroller Running

Running Strollers Review Pt. 2: The How To's of Stroller Running

So you've got your dream running stroller.  You've been cleared to run by your OB or you have decided it is finally time to get back out there, so grab your shoes and go, right?  

Hold on there, before you lace up your shoes there are some how to's and some don'ts to run over (pun intended) before you head out.  Keeping them in mind will make your run even more enjoyable and help you and your little one continue logging those stroller miles.

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Tales of the $400 Toilet

Tales of the $400 Toilet

As anyone with a toddler can tell you, they are destructive little beings.  Give them a crayon and paper and they will find the nearest sofa.  Give them a cracker and they will find the nearest rug to grind it into.

Recently, we experienced the true destructive power of our toddler when it comes to the bathroom and learned that for the bargain basement price of $400(ish) you too, can have an ongoing relationship with your plumber and get a new toilet.  

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Teddy vs. Target

Teddy vs. Target

Before we had Teddy I remember telling Zach that moms must use Target as an indoor playground on days that are too crappy for be outside.  I would go to Target on a rainy day in the middle of the day and it would be me and a dozen moms following their children around the store.  Some in carts eating snacks, some just running around, some reading books. I remember how funny and cute I thought it was and Zach saying how some day that would be me.  Little did we know ..

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The Could Have Done List

The Could Have Done List

I like to think that I am pretty productive during the day given that I have close to zero minutes to myself and spend most of my time hanging out with/chasing down the Tiny Dictator, I mean Teddy.  We go grocery shopping, run errands, hit up every park in town, go for runs, have play dates, I cook dinner (not every night, Zach cooks a lot - praise Jesus).  But there are plenty of days where the day gets away from me and by lunch/Teddy's nap time I throw in the towel.  

The moral of this story ... don't think you have to do it all.  Sometimes doing nothing is the best decision.  

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