How College Prepared You for Having a Toddler ...

Kid, go home, you're drunk.  

Recently we spent some time with my sister who isn't around tiny humans very often.  Teddy was spinning around in circles and falling down and spinning in circles and falling down all while giggling.  Later on in the day we found him sitting on the table eating from two different bags of snacks.  She looked at me with bewilderment and said, "He's like a drunk college kid."  Yep.  Sure is.  

I mean really, if you think about it, babies, toddlers, little kids, they act exactly like our good (and hysterically awesome) friends from college.  You remember, the ones that were always down for a good time and were the life of the party.  

Straight lines are hard, eating is life, oh, there is a lot more.  

After reading this, tell me if you see your college friend (or do you see you?) in your kid.  

(1) They can sleep anywhere

oh couch, you are so comfortable

oh couch, you are so comfortable









(2) Poor impulse control

but it all looks good!

(3) No sense of shame

(4) They are horrible at taking/posing for pictures

waht? i am smiling.

waht? i am smiling.

 (5) They get  munchies

mmm chips.  

mmm chips.  

(6) Can't walk a straight line and fall, a lot

(7) Often incoherent speech

(8) They can't remember all the lyrics to their favorite songs but sing them anyway.

(9) Embarrassing in public (to you, not to them)

yes.  that is my child.

yes.  that is my child.

(11) Puke and rally is the name of the game.

(12) They need constant supervision or ... there's no telling

(13) SO. LOUD. 

(14) Everything is hysterical ... even things that make no sense

(15) They are the life of the party and you love doing things with them.