This Old(ish) (Town)House - The Afters

This Old(ish) (Town)House - The Afters

3 months of work;
1 epic flood (5 inches of rain in 1 hour!);
2 times renovating the basement due to said flood; (basement before/after coming soon)
Countless lessons learned in home renovation and remodeling;
1 stunning home; and
2 very happy homeowners.

I’ve been asked multiple times how the project went, I can honestly say it was nearly flawless. If you don’t count the flood, which no one had any control over, it went exactly according to plan and schedule. I would totally do it again, I just don’t ever want to move!

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This Old(ish) (Town)House - Styling 500 SqFt

This Old(ish) (Town)House - Styling 500 SqFt

If you were to break up our 500 square feet of main floor space now, you would have 200 square feet of kitchen/entry and 300 of main living but I don’t see how you can actually divide the space. While each space need to function on it’s own and for it’s intended purpose, because of the lack of walls and the small footprint they all need to flow into each other without constraints.

On top of that this is our main living floor. This floor is our do everything floor. Yes we have a basement that is utilized as a play room/big TV space but this floor is the family hang out spot. It’s the Magnatile and monster truck central, its LEGO engineering HQ, it’s also where I cozy up with the dog and read and relax, and where we eat and cook. So let’s see how we are going to cram all of that into 500 square feet of space in a (I hope) stylish way.

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