Nothing Good Happens at 5AM

You know what your mom used to tell you, that nothing good happens after midnight, well I'm revising that statement to be nothing good happens at 5am.  

My son did not get that memo and has always been an early riser.  Up and ready to take on the day at 5:30, one day 4:30, that was a rough day.  Whatever time, it is always waaaaaay before the sun.  And he is awake, chatting with doggy and kitty planning on how to best conquer (read: destroy) the basement today.  So therefore I am awake.  I am surly, disheveled, and bleary eyed but awake.

So here I am on the basement couch, watching him zoom around the room and trying to figure out how he can be so darn jazzed this early.  Did he take a hit of speed?  Make himself a cup of coffee? Sneak one of my caffeinated GU gels? Whatever it is, I need some and STAT because this kid is not going to stop until his nap at noon and noon is SO FAR AWAY.  

I know, I know, spending time with your kids is amazing, such a blessing, I shouldn't be complaining.  But 5am is not a good look on me, and I am a better mom if I don't peel my eyes open until 6am. And if we are being honest, I like him (ok all people) much more after 6am (is it ok to say that about your kids?).

Wouldn't you know though, I think he can sense my displeasure with the fact that I've been up since way too early and he stops during one of his laps of destruction to come and give me a big squeeze.  Well darn it kid, you win.  I'll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early.